Some mothers may feel insecure about themselves and their bodies. These perceptions and values are passed onto their daughters, including feelings of insecurity and understanding of the world around them.
Mothers may find it challenging to relate to their daughters during the adolescent years due to generational differences, new challenges, and changes in how women are perceived in society. Conflicts may emerge, and difficulties can arise in the bonding between adolescent girls and their mothers due to the need for independence and autonomy from the family on their journey towards becoming well-rounded independent women. Mothers serve as care providers, mirrors, and feminine role models. They have a strong influence on their daughters’ psychological development and self-esteem as they navigate the emotional roller coaster of the teenage years.
Fostering a Supportive Environment
Mothers can have a positive impact on their daughters by showing them how to keep themselves safe and overcome difficulties by establishing healthy expectations. Some mothers may feel insecure about themselves and their bodies. These perceptions and values are passed onto their daughters, including feelings of insecurity and understanding of the world around them.
When mothers offer loving, healthy, and supportive boundaries while allowing their daughters to become gradually independent from the family, they promote a non-judgemental environment for their daughters to face the challenges they will encounter in adulthood. Trusting their daughters to take care of themselves or do their homework can boost their self-esteem. When mothers convey unconditional love to their daughters, the bond between them strengthens.
‘I can understand how you feel’ is a very powerful sentence that can promote active listening and establish empathy with your daughter. It helps build rapport. Try to understand your daughter’s position, validate her feelings, and remind her of your love, even when disagreements occur
Dr Emma Allende
Working Through Disagreements
It is common for mothers to disagree with their daughters. Disagreements differ from arguments, and it is crucial to work towards mutual understanding to prevent escalation and potential disrespect. Disagreements are part of being human and provide opportunities for learning values and acquiring social skills for future negotiations at the workplace and in personal life. Effective communication with teen girls requires patience and empathy. Here are some tips for mothers:
- Create a Trusting Environment: Work towards a family environment of trust and respect early in life. Teen girls need to feel listened to, and mothers can bond with their daughters through shared activities from early childhood.
- Encourage Open Communication: Mums can encourage daughters to share their experiences and struggles. Conversations about womanhood and the role of women in society are excellent opportunities for bonding.
- Offer Guidance with Love: Girls appreciate guidance when it is delivered with love. They need to feel valued and understood.
- Engage in Ongoing Dialogues: Ongoing mother-daughter dialogues open windows for safe disclosure of problems and struggles.
Building Empathy and Understanding
“I can understand how you feel” is a powerful sentence that can promote active listening and establish empathy with your daughter. It helps build rapport. Try to understand your daughter’s position, validate her feelings, and remind her of your love, even when disagreements occur. This approach can dissolve tension between mother and daughter. Be a role model by speaking slowly, managing your breathing, and staying calm. Share how you feel and let your daughter know how her behaviour affects you. Reinforce positive behaviour and any intentions to cooperate.