Strong mother- daughter bonding, grows by knowing that they are both worthy of love. Mutual support contributes to generate strong self esteem in both. A healthy self esteem makes life easier and goals more achievable.
Mothers often find it challenging to relate to their daughters during the adolescent years due to generational differences, new challenges, and changes in societal perceptions of women. Conflicts may emerge and difficulties can present in the bonding of adolescent girls with their mothers due to the need for independence and autonomy from the family in their journey towards becoming well-rounded, independent women.
Mothers are caregivers and role models for their daughters, having a significant influence on their psychological development and self-esteem. During the teenage years, daughters experience a rollercoaster of emotions, where the intensity can impact their daily lives. Mothers can positively impact their daughters by showing them how to keep themselves safe, overcome difficulties, and establish healthy expectations.
When mothers provide loving, healthy, and supportive boundaries while allowing their daughters to gradually become independent, they promote a supportive non-judgemental environment for their daughters to face adulthood difficulties
Dr Emma Allende
Insecurity in mothers about their own bodies and perceptions can be passed on to their daughters. This also applies to feelings of insecurity and understanding of the world around them. When mothers provide loving, healthy, and supportive boundaries while allowing their daughters to gradually become independent, they promote a supportive non-judgemental environment for their daughters to face adulthood difficulties. Trusting daughters to take care of themselves or complete their homework can boost their self-esteem. When mothers convey unconditional love, the bond with their daughters strengthens.
How to work through disagreements with your adolescent daughter
Disagreements between mothers and daughters are common. It is crucial to work towards mutual understanding to prevent escalation and possible disrespect. Disagreements provide learning opportunities and social skills essential for future negotiations in both personal and professional life. Effective communication with teenage girls requires patience and empathy. During adolescence, due to intense cognitive and emotional development, girls need their mothers’ support.
Strong mother-daughter bonding grows by knowing that they are both worthy of love. Mutual support contributes to generate strong self-esteem in both
Dr Emma Allende
Tips for mothers
- Work towards a family environment of trust and respect early in life. Engage in common activities from early childhood.
- Encourage daughters to share their experiences and struggles. Conversations about womanhood and societal roles can bond mothers and daughters.
- Girls appreciate guidance delivered with love and need to feel valued and understood.
- Ongoing dialogues about problems and struggles promote strong mother-daughter bonds.
- Strong bonds grow from knowing they are both worthy of love. Mutual support builds strong self-esteem, making life easier and goals more achievable.
Effective communication strategies
- Use empathy: “I can understand how you feel” helps establish empathy and build rapport.
- Be a role model: Speak slowly, control breathing, and behave as you wish your daughter to behave as an adult.
- Share feelings: Start sentences with “I feel…” or “I am concerned…” to explain problems without blaming.
- Reinforce positive behaviour and cooperation in solving problems and dissolving disagreements.