The Social Dilemma
This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.
The Great Hack
A data company named Cambridge Analytica came to symbolise the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Jamin Winans, Robert Muratore and Kiowa Winans
Social Media Dangers Documentary Childhood 2.0
Is a documentary that examines the complex and often troubling effects of social media on young people. It combines real-life stories with expert insights to highlight the various ways in which social media can impact children’s mental health, safety, and overall well-being.
Jim Ferrell
Resolving the Heart Of Conflict
In this talk, Jim Ferrell discusses the heart of conflict and suggests that our hearts have come to find advantage in conflict.
Simon Sinek
The Dangers Of Social Media Addiction
Simon Sinek explains during the interview on Inside Quest, how the millennials today are ruins because of technology, especially social media and smartphone addiction.
Dr. Delaney Ruston
In her new documentary ’Screenagers’ Dr. Delaney Ruston explores why young people are so drawn to social media and video games and what effect it’s having on their brains.
Adam Alter
Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy
Psychologist Adam Alter shares why all those hours you spend staring at your smartphone, tablet or computer might be making you miserable — and what you can do about it.
Patrik Wincent
What You Are Missing While Being A Digital Zombie
Patrik Wincent takes us on a journey through his own Internet addiction, and gives us valuable tips to avoid becoming digital zombies.
Tristan Harris
How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction
Tristan Harris offers thoughtful new ideas for technology that creates more meaningful interaction.
Dr. Cal Newport
Quit social media
‘Deep work’ will make you better at what you do. You will achieve more in less time. And feel the sense of true fulfillment that comes from the mastery of a skill.
Cost of Beauty
Dove launched its new ‘Cost of Beauty’ video for its campaign to support young people’s mental health.